I thought I’d share this quick bit of information to clients who are practicing what they’ve been taught about article writing for their eCommerce websites. Article writing is a great way to build credibility in your industry, brand your name and business, and especially helpful for creating quality links on other sites.
As you know, EzineArticles.com is one of my favorite places to publish articles: it has a PR6, it’s user friendly, and they allow you to post a couple links in the bio section of your articles. If you have questions about how to make these links, check out these HTML tips.
When I first starting writing articles for my clogging shoes website, I wasn’t really sure what to expect. This is one of the responses I received to an article submission:
….articles MUST NOT be a press release, advertisement, sales letter, promotional copy, or blatant and excessive self-promotion or hype.
Unfortunately this article falls into one of those categories.
Did this cause me to give up, quit, or not write articles any more? Absolutely not! In fact, I felt it was a “small success” because now I had a better understanding of what Ezinearticles.com was looking for.
Basically, articles that you want to get accepted need to be informative. Teach people why they should use a product you sell, teach them the pros and cons, create a “top 5 reasons to buy this product” article and share it with readers. As you write new articles, look at other articles in your industry that have been accepted. What did they do? What was their style? Without copying it or plagiarizing, use their ideas as a starting point.
You can do this! Although it may seem difficult at first, it’s not “rocket science”. Best of luck in your offsite optimization strategies.
5 replies on “Why Articles Get Rejected at EzineArticles.com”
This article would be accepted to EzineArticles, indubitably!
Thanks for the added suggestions on article information. I had not really considered the angle of teaching people about the product, nor had I thought about the top 5 reasons that a particualar product would be good.
I’m glad it gave you some ideas. I’ve found that sharing knowledge about your products can really help you build credibility within the industry. Credibility usually equals cash!
Thanks for the comment!
Yes, going back and looking at my articles, they were all informative, just didn’t have the keyword links – which I will take correct with the next articles.
Thanks for the advice Nate. You have given me the information. The only thing left to do now is write an article and learn from the experience.