Welcome to buidling your own business. How do you feel? Are you excited? Are you nervous? Are you ready to be the next Wal-Mart? There is so much out there and now you have the opportunity to tap in to it. I’ve coached hundreds of people on how to build their own eCommerce Business; I’ve learned alot about the keys to success. One of the most important factors that all successful business owners have is not knowledge. It’s not money or advanced education. It’s not computer experience or programming and design strategy. The simple key to success with eCommerce, or anything, is self motivation!
As an entrepreneur, you are now your own boss. You’re completely in charge of what you do or don’t do everyday with your business. Some of you may be still working the JOB (just over broke) while getting this business started. That’s ok. Time Management and Goal Setting will be an important parts of your progress and future success.
Famous coach Lou Holtz once said:
If you’re bored with life – you don’t get up every morning with a burning desire to do things – you don’t have enough goals.
Why is this important? To me, goals are a self motivation indicator. If you don’t know where you want to go, you’ll probably never going to get there. If you don’t have the self motivation to stick with the task, how can you really expect success?
Making changes to enhance the quality of your life doesn’t need to be slow or difficult. Unfortunately most people are still struggling because they continue to rely on ineffective approaches. I’ve talked about time management tips before. Here are a few more suggestions. Write down one small action you’ve been putting off and answer the following questions:
1 What am I missing out on of importance by not doing this?
2 What will I gain most by doing this?
3 Why is it important to me to get this done?
4 How is not doing this inconsistent with who I really am?
Now pretend the task is already complete: Get a pen and paper and take 5 minutes to describe how you feel now that you have already finished the task you have been postponing. Act as if you’re already successful. In a previous post, I talked about the Moller Mission Statement. Here it is again as a reminder:
I am the best salesman at [put in your company name] with a 6 week average of over [specific amount of money] in sales. I am making [specific amount of money] per week which is helping me achieve and exceed my six month goal of [specific amount of money] by June 30, [year] and [specific amount of money] by Dec. 31, [year]. My keys to success have been confidence, focus, overcoming all fears, hard work, persistence, patience, and expecting to succeed, along with listening to the best, taking effective notes which I apply immediately, setting specific goals that I review daily, and focusing on getting 3 new sales per day, clients that need the products we are offering. I never worry about things I can’t change. I focus only on what I do have control over: attitude, knowledge, skills and work ethic. I’m happy to be running my business successfully and will continue to develop multiple streams of income. These multiple streams of income will help me achieve my life goal: [specific long term goal].
You will be surprised at how well this simple process works. Write out your goals in the form of actions, things you are already doing. Read your personalized mission statement frequently. Engrain it in your head and believe it. You’ll be surprised at how things just start happening. By reading your mission statement frequently, you’ll feel a boost of self-motivation that gets even better each time.