Welcome to buidling your own business. How do you feel? Are you excited? Are you nervous? Are you ready to be the next Wal-Mart? There is so much out there and now you have the opportunity to tap in to it. I’ve coached hundreds of people on how to build their own eCommerce Business; I’ve learned alot about the keys to success. One of the most important factors that all successful business owners have is not knowledge. It’s not money or advanced education. It’s not computer experience or programming and design strategy. The simple key to success with eCommerce, or anything, is self motivation!
As an entrepreneur, you are now your own boss. You’re completely in charge of what you do or don’t do everyday with your business. Some of you may be still working the JOB (just over broke) while getting this business started. That’s ok. Time Management and Goal Setting will be an important parts of your progress and future success.
Famous coach Lou Holtz once said:
If you’re bored with life – you don’t get up every morning with a burning desire to do things – you don’t have enough goals.
Why is this important? To me, goals are a self motivation indicator. If you don’t know where you want to go, you’ll probably never going to get there. If you don’t have the self motivation to stick with the task, how can you really expect success?
Making changes to enhance the quality of your life doesn’t need to be slow or difficult. Unfortunately most people are still struggling because they continue to rely on ineffective approaches. I’ve talked about time management tips before. Here are a few more suggestions. Write down one small action you’ve been putting off and answer the following questions:
1 What am I missing out on of importance by not doing this?
2 What will I gain most by doing this?
3 Why is it important to me to get this done?
4 How is not doing this inconsistent with who I really am?
Now pretend the task is already complete: Get a pen and paper and take 5 minutes to describe how you feel now that you have already finished the task you have been postponing. Act as if you’re already successful. In a previous post, I talked about the Moller Mission Statement. Here it is again as a reminder:
I am the best salesman at [put in your company name] with a 6 week average of over [specific amount of money] in sales. I am making [specific amount of money] per week which is helping me achieve and exceed my six month goal of [specific amount of money] by June 30, [year] and [specific amount of money] by Dec. 31, [year]. My keys to success have been confidence, focus, overcoming all fears, hard work, persistence, patience, and expecting to succeed, along with listening to the best, taking effective notes which I apply immediately, setting specific goals that I review daily, and focusing on getting 3 new sales per day, clients that need the products we are offering. I never worry about things I can’t change. I focus only on what I do have control over: attitude, knowledge, skills and work ethic. I’m happy to be running my business successfully and will continue to develop multiple streams of income. These multiple streams of income will help me achieve my life goal: [specific long term goal].
You will be surprised at how well this simple process works. Write out your goals in the form of actions, things you are already doing. Read your personalized mission statement frequently. Engrain it in your head and believe it. You’ll be surprised at how things just start happening. By reading your mission statement frequently, you’ll feel a boost of self-motivation that gets even better each time.
61 replies on “Do you have enough Self Motivation for a Start Up Business?”
I appreciate your suggestions and comments in this article about having enough self motivation to build a Start Up Business. I have been unsure of how to write out my goals for the past four months, so I am going to follow your simple process to set my Goals and at the same time write my mission statement to keep me motivated and with a positive outlook while building my business. Thank you for your great support, encouragement, and positive attitude.
I have used the Moller Mission Statement as a template for my own mission statement, which hangs directly in front of my computer (I can read it every time I am on hold, printing a document, etc). from you I have learned to set achievable goals, write them down, and expect to succeed. It is working. Thanks Nate. If someone told me I would create and run my own business one year ago, I would not have believed them. I could not even put an attachment on an email.
I love my new life!
Hi Nate,
Thanks for this link. I really enjoyed your mission statement and will utilize it to help me set goals throughout my life. The time management tips are also helpful. I totally believe self motivation is a key ingredient in success in any area of our lives, along with integrity and honesty. Thanks again!
Thru the success center, I have learned to write out 6 tasks to do today, prioritize them, and cross each task off when completed. Any tasks not completed today should be on the next day’s list, following the same process. If I do the most important things each day, focusing on each task until it is complete, I will achieve more.
Your articles on time management, focus, goals, and confidence have helped me, but this article and rereading your mission statement provide additional reinforcement. I definately need to get my goals out in front of me, to see and read several times each day.
My husband (a salesman) always tells me to “assume the sale”…I take that as assuming tasks will be as you want them. Whether it’s getting the kids to do something for me, or starting my business…I need to think positive and KNOW that I am the best at what I am doing, and things will be done as I want them…as long as there are set goals in place. I don’t think I really understood what he was trying to tell me until I read this article. It is so important to believe in the possibilities. It’s like that DVD “the Secret”…When you are positive, wonderful things come into your life. It is so true! When I wake up in the morning and tell myself, “today is going to be a wonderful day. I am going to be happy and loving”…My day is amazing. When I don’t set daily goals, in business or life, and am focussed on the negative, or procrastinate…negative things come to me. What a great motivator! Thanks for the article Nate!
[…] a goal. Moller Marketing has an interesting post how having a goal is strongly connected with self-motivation. Add to Del.icio.us | Digg This! | Technorati | […]
I couldn’t agree with you more. I believe self motivation is crucial to all successes in life but sometimes I need that push. Over thinking the task at hand and wanting it perfect out of the gate is what really slows me down. Thank you for your mission statement!
Hello Nathan,
Your article on self motivation and your mission statement are good tools.They help remind us of the passion we must feel and maintain to succeed in all parts of our lives, we deem important. Self motivation and structure along with goal setting keep our passions renewed each time we review them. Positive affirmations help keep our goal progress in sight by focusing it with the tools you mention.Thank You.
Great advice! I love the Moller Mission Statement! I just have to start living it!
Great advice Nate, I will try to put some of these ideas into action. Setting goals and time mangement are two of weak points and I definitely can use these ideas to help organize and make my new e-business more successful. Sometimes we can hit a wall and become discouraged, these tools can help break down roadblocks and overcome them one step at a time.
It is great advice! My goal is to set some goals. Just kidding! *smile*
I think it’s time tested advice that never changes, and putting the goals in writting helps to solidify them, it gives them a reality.
I have to write into my goals to – READ AND REVIEW GOALS REGULARLY -When I set them aside I sometimes lose the reality of them and find myself off track.
Good stuff. I have recently written a mission statment myself and just the act of reading it and putting emotion behind the words on a daily basis has already had some positive effects in my life. It helps me make clear what it is that I want, while also giving it attention and desire. reading it daily gives me feelings of excitement, possibility and hope. I read a quote once that said “The worst bankrupt in the world is a person who has lost his enthusiasm.” I really like the part about pretending how it will feel to finish a task you have been putting off. I can see how imagining those feelings will motivate you to actually accomplish the task.
Great advice Nate,
I believe is essential for new entrepreneurs, or for people just wanting to start
a new project in life.
Sometimes people is full of passion trying to start a BIZ, but they lack the discipline of creating goals, of planning their days and help a lot so I can be more effective, ( I’m on the process, and is not easy at the beginning, but I can see the results, )
G’day Nathan,
We really like how you have set this template out to fill in the blanks. We have found it a personal challenge at times to sit down and set goals in writing while believing that we can acheive them, especially when you are new at something and unsure of yourself. We will use your template to rewrite our goals and just as importantly review them regularly.
Nate, It is great advice as usuall — now I just have to DO it! (I’m working on it I swear, but as you said above, still on the JOB, and summertime and carting kids around — you’ll find out!!) Linda
– Motivation is not one of my shortcomings.
– Controlling motivation is. (Too many irons in the fire.)
I’m finding it refreshing to have Nate’s help in this area. I’ve never been so busy organizing my infrastructure as well my mind so that I can control my overblown motivation into smaller, more organized, more logical, and doable steps.
Being a career multi-tasker requires me to “unwind” my habits quite a bit.
Looking forward to success with Nate’s help.
i ,too, have many goals at once and can see the advantage of concentrating on just one at a time. focus. i have accomplished so much in my life picturing the right outcome and appreciate the reminders to keep the motivation alive.
Over the years i’ve read a lot about setting goals, which i must say i have made the effort and writen my aims & objectives down, it dose work cause it keeps your mind focused therefore you are less likely to be side tracked into putting off or procrastinating which we all have a habit of.
I’ll make a list out now!
I really like having a date to correspond with in the mission statement. This helps set a goal that isn’t too far away that it will be forgotten, but not soon enough that the goal would be unrealistic to accomplish. I know that no one cares about my future and my family more than I do – self-motivation will get me where I want to be. Sometimes it can be hard to pick yourself up again and again, but to see your goals infront of you and read it aloud, it gives encouragement to keep going.
I think my self-motivation has been lagging because of unclear goals and not making it a point to read them every day. I am writing my goals and reading them every day. Good article, Nate.
My motivation at this time in life has become a challange so in reading this article has helped to put things in perspective once again.
Thanks Nate
Hi Nathan, I really believe the key to success is motivation. If you can stay
self-motivated you can do anything. I know that is impossible, but I work on it every day. Writing down specific goals is and reviewing is crucial.
Thanks you so much for guiding me to your MISSION STATEMENT. I used your template, filling in the blanks and I’m really pumped. Thanks Nathan
Nate, once again you exceed expectations with the information you share with us. I BELIEVE I can be successful in the eCommerce business. Today is the day I stop using ineffective approaches, thinking I needed more knowledge to be most effective as I am so unfamiliar with this new path that I’ve chosen. Your mission statement really breaks it down and puts it into perspective.
It’s not just the writing of goals, but the reading and re-reading. I have written goals, and written affirmations; however, I have so many of them now that I can’t get through them all in one sitting. The goals should be succinct and read everyday. The affirmations should be structured that you only read 2 or 3 per day; otherwise, you’re rushing through them and you don’t remember what you read…they then become powerless.
Self Motivation is above and beyond almost everything else in starting your own business. If you have this self motivation & self determination then you will succeed. The statement of being an entrepreneur and that you are now your own boss is very profound. Don’t get angry and fire yourself. Just remember, to “Ask for the Sale”. The potential customer may not know why you are there.
I’ve read a great book that talks about the Mind Mechanics, and Goals settings, called the PowerMind System. It changed my life. Setting my goals (long or short terms) give me an understanding of where I want to be, and take actions to ensure I get there. Seeing myself as already being there makes everything fall into place. It is also the best motivator.
Love your Mission Statement. Just printed it and will put it to works.
I can see how setting goals is akin to self-motivation now. The hard bit is putting it into practice.
My mission statement will be,
I can and will succeeed in what I want when I learn to take small steps at first.
Giant ones will follow soon enough.
Always be positive.
Be ready to try other ideas.
Try other peoples ideas when they share them.
Be prepared to learn from others.
If they can do it, then so can I.
How’s that for being positive?
Well Nate, as always that is wonderful advise!
It reminds me to go back and read the goals I had written when I first started out trying to build my own business. I of course need to update those goals, set a plan of attach and succeed!
I am copying the already successful clip, filling it out and posting it next to the computer. I think some of the comments above really hit home.
Right now I am going to go and write my 5 goals for the week and then go and accomplish them!!
Motivation is everything, without it we accomplish nothing. Having clear goals and the WANT to reach them is what separates those with the motivation to get to the end and those who fall by the wayside.
This article is concise and to the point. Best of all, these simple yet powerful principles are not based on mere theory, but real life application and practice. There was a lot I can sink my teeth into. Thanks!
I have always been a huge believer in goal setting and personal motivation. Knowing where you want to end up is the first thing you need to plan. I have personal mission statements for all differentc aspects of my life.
I feel like I am very organized but I really need to flush out my goal setting before moving forward. Figuring out what my goals are will be my first goal!
I like lists and the enjoyment of marking things off when they are done. I just avoid putting things on the list that I want to avoid. I need to do better at envisioning myself and my feelings when that task is done and use that as my motivator. I really want to be a successful entrepreneur — SO I am one and will operate as such. Thanks!
Thank you for your article Nate. I t really brings forward the importance of setting goals and following through with them to self motivate yourself to become better at what u are doing.
Goal setting, time managment and focus are a great reminders of what I utilized in the corporate world to achieve my success. A great reminder to do the same for my Home Base business. There is something almost magical when you write things down, check them off when completed. This translates to one more accomplishment toward a goal.
Yes, I am working thru my fears; in fact, over the weekend I was thinking about what you mentoned about other businesses and how much competition they already had prior to starting ones with the same product. That gets me thinking that in No Way can I overcome where those already established businesses are. That is where I need patience, action towards baby steps and a set up of these things to set up my business.
Motivation and goal setting have never been a problem, time management on the other hand is. I have so many goals and so many tasks in my everyday life that keeping all things organized can be a challenge. I am trying to take things one step at a time so as to not trip. I must stay focused.
Good comment Broooke – I think we all have that problem. I really like this quote:
Granted, this is speaking specifically of income and business, but at times we have to step back and evaluate what we are spending our “day-to-day” time on. For me, TV is the biggest waist of time – I’m getting away from it more and more because really there seems to be nothing worth watching any more.
Thanks for the comment. If you discover any “secret sauce” for time management, let me know!
Gotta succeed! The inner drive is what it takes. I just have to make sure my focus is correct and in line with what I love and the money will follow.
Reminds me of the famous quote from Field of Dreams, “If you build it, [the money] will come!” In our case, if we love what we’re doing and are willing to work at it, the money will come!
Thanks for the comment!
Yes, goals are important. Your mission statment is very unique. It seems like it is in line with the Law of Attraction. When running your own business you do have to have self motivation, otherwise you won’t get very far. Once one begins experiencing success then it can really help with self motivation!
I would like to ask a question about Keyword, I am constantly hearing about keywords and how you should use keyword to help get traffic to your website. 1: where on my website should the keyword be place.2: If I write an article how can I mention my website because I understand that you are not allow to do that. I hope I am asking this question on the correct page.
Hello Eileen,
This article will give you more answers about keyword research and usage.
This article will talk about Meta tags and how they relate to keywords.
Hope this helps.
Goals are everything. I really believe that those that are motivated by accomplishing there goals are those that are very successful in many faucets of their life. I have heard it said before, “that if you dont have goals, someone who does will use you to accomplish their”.
The goals you set need to be so ingrained in you that you can almost visually see what you are going to accomplish.
Your exercise is a great way to do that.
thanks nate
This Moller Mission Statement was something I used as a Prosper consultant back in the day 🙂 It was so weird how I ended up getting EXACTLY (almost to the penny) what I said I was going to do – mainly because I said it so many times that it just became who I was.
An online business is the same thing! Start thinking today about where you want this “hobby” to take you, write it down, and it will most likely happen if you’re willing to “work your face off” (Gary Vaynerchuk quote)
Great comments Aaron!
When one puts a statement out in the “Universe” you then are responsible for taking the steps in making it happen! Realize that one never knows who or what will fall into place while you are working toward your goals! It happens as I can speak from experience!
Thanks for this article, it given me encouragement. I will apply the ideas to keep forth going in my endevors. Self
motivation keep you going through those bumps in the road.
Having goals and knowing how to set goals is imperative to success. I have a household to run, a 2 year old, 3 businesses I own and everything else that comes along with life. I have trouble keeping it all straight. If I didn’t make lists and stick to them I would be lost. Sometimes I get overwhelmed and procrastinate as a result. I look forward to continue working on keeping myself straight and motivated. It definately is a constant work in progress.
Hi Nate:
Great article with great ideas! Ideas I already know, just need to be reminded: sometimes hourly, sometimes by the minute. I believe I am motivated; I have to manage my time better between “the” job and my desire to be my own boss within the next year! I am excited about adapting your mission statement to fit my needs; typing it out and putting it everywhere to remind myself of my purpose and mission. I will continue to plan my weeks out and post them in my daily planner. This helps me stay on task. And as we discussed, a little bit a day can go a long way to success. Your help and support have been a true inspiration! Thank you so much!!!! Blessings!
Hi Nate
I think having goals and setting a mission statement is key. It is the road map for success. I think the real trick becomes keeping my motivation going and following the map long after the excitement I felt when I wrote things down has gone. If I focus on the next task that I need to accomplish and not worry about all the things that still need to be done I can manage my time better.Staying focused on my goals and remembering why I decided to start the process in the first place is my motivation.
Hey John,
I agree – keeping the motivation going can be the challenge. One thing that’s helped me is to put my mission statement in a place where I can’t miss it every day: taped to my office desk, on my bathroom mirror, places where I’ll almost be FORCED to read it, review it, and recommit.
Look forward to chatting this week. Keep me posted on your sales success!
Hi Nate
I totally agree with all you have said in the article. I think it is very important to realize just how pertinent the “Act as if …” statement is. Our subcousious mind does not discriminate between what is real , now time, and what is not yet real, future time. Therefor when we act as if something has already happened, or is already happening, this is what the Law of Attraction brings to us.
Thanks for all your inspiration and help. Also thanks for being tough on me.
You’ve hit the nail on the head again. Pursuing your ultimate goal is what makes the world go round.
Merry Christmas and your most prosperous New Year to you and yours.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Gerald Weber, Anthony Kirlew. Anthony Kirlew said: RT @mollermarketing Do you have enough Self Motivation for a Start Up Business? | Moller Marketing http://bit.ly/5bJ18 […]
[…] an online business is HARD WORK! It takes self-motivation and persistence that some people just don’t […]
[…] And eventually, with persistence, you can succeed. […]
As I am getting started it is all so new. My organizational skills have slacken for the past years. I feel that I need to organize my time better and have started doing so. I am setting my goals. I am motivated and feel this is the first step for me. I feel that with your coaching that I can accomplish establishing my own business. Thank you for your great mentoring.
It’s been my experience through owning my own businesses for 20 years, that you will learn more about yourself in a month of doing things, than a year of watching and outsourcing.
Every day is an opportunity to learn something new you can use on your personal path to success. Be a perpetual student and strive to be a mentor to someone else. That will help keep you focussed, motivated and always on your toes.
Thanks for helping me on my journey, Nate!
Thanks for the comment Mark! I’m excited for what’s to come. Talk soon!
Hey thanks for everything. I’m sure this is going to be a fun ride….
Hi Nate,
I just completed my mission statement and will follow-thru on goals. Looking forward to achieving goals and meeting challenges too. This activity is self-motivating.