Digital Presence & Marketing Strategy

How Do You Handle the Trials of Starting an Online Business

I can’t do this…

That costs too much money.

This takes too much time.

I can’t find wholesale suppliers.

I didn’t think it was going to be this hard.

I thought I could make money overnight.

I didn’t think I’d actually have to DO anything.

If you’ve ever heard these excuses or been the culprit of saying them yourself as you build your 1st online business, CHANGE NOW or forever be stuck in the rut you’re in.

Yes, unfortunately, I’ve heard all of these excuses multiple times as I teach clients how to start an online business.

At first, I just laughed them off or ignored them.

Then, I would repeat what they just said in the form of a question.

Now, I flat out call them on the stupidity of such statements.

I know, maybe a bit harsh, but I’d rather be honest up front.

Cold Hard Facts about Starting an Online Business

  • Running a business is hard work.
  • It’s not for everyone.
  • It takes WORK.
  • It takes creativity.
  • It takes ambition and the ability to break your fears about the unknown.
  • It takes a positive attitude.

Have you ever read this story?

As I was thinking about this topic, I found this funny video on YouTube. It reminded me about how some people, no matter what they get “thrown at them“, always have a positive attitude and keep moving forward (which is what you HAVE to do if you want to succeed with an online business).

If you’re reading this blog post in an email and want to see the video, visit

Here are some tips.

7 Tips to a Positive Attitude

  1. Be yourself. When you constantly try to be the person others want you to be, you cheat yourself out of individuality and your own dreams. What do you want out of life? Once you can answer this question, the next step is to plan your daily routine to include at least one or two elements that bring your goals closer.
  2. Even if you can’t control outside circumstances, you can control your reaction to them. If you’re currently working in a dead-end job with a boss who is demeaning, make a conscious effort to tell yourself that his poor behavior can make you upset only if you allow it.
  3. Leave your work at the office, mentally that is. When you step outside after a trying day’s work, tell yourself that you have all day tomorrow to deal with the problems and mentally switch gears by thinking something positive or planning your next vacation, even if it’s months away.
  4. Slow down. When constantly pressed to finish tasks, you can develop a negative attitude towards life. If time is a commodity, figure out how you can schedule your chores more efficiently. Just by rising 15 minutes earlier each day, you will have the time to eat breakfast, enjoy the fresh air, and plan the day.
  5. Learn something new every day. What have you learned today? As a child, your curiosity led you to explore and learn. Recapture that feeling today by taking a night class, studying a new language, learning to garden or anything else that interests you. Subscribing to this blog via email could be one way to learn something new :).
  6. Focus on the Positive. What are great things that have happened to you today? Include achievements. Make a long detailed list of everything that you do well or at least that is not negative. Read the list when you need a mental boost.
  7. Help others. Extending a helping hand to those in need makes you feel needed and worthwhile. Make it a habit to volunteer for charitable organizations. Helping others allows us to be thankful for the blessing we have and helps us maintain a positive attitude.

How do you plan to apply these tips (and the Laughing Baby example) to your online business building experience?

8 replies on “How Do You Handle the Trials of Starting an Online Business”

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This post was mentioned on Twitter by mollermarketing: Earlier: How Do You Manage the Trials When Starting an Online Business:

It is hard to keep positive attitude especially if you get all sorts of obstacles thrown in your way. I agree that no matter what happens, we need to keep moving forward if we want to achieve something in life. Doesn’t matter if it is in private or professional life. Positive attitude does make a whole lot of difference. I loved the video. 🙂

Great tips! Makes me want to start today! Its true though, my buddy has a shipping company, Yacht Exports, and his individuality shines, which helps make the company a success. Look them up if you ever need to ship a boat!

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