Customer Engagement & Retention

Which Social Media Network is the Best for Conversion Marketing?

At Moller Marketing, we care most about one thing – CONVERSION! That’s right – sales. We want our online marketing clients to get sales with their online marketing dollars.

Sure, it’s great to be at the top of Google for a ton of different phrases, but our main question is always, “How many sales have you driven because of that phrase?”

A sale can be created in a couple different ways via a website:

  • A purchase through the website
  • A lead generated that turns into a sale via a phone call or face to face meeting

For clients that offer a service like car care or gymnastics training, making a sale directly no the website may not be very likely. But generating qualified leads via an online form can turn into a sale that has a great lifetime value.

One of the most common questions we get from clients is “Which of all the social networks is the most effective for my industry?”

Sometimes that question is a hard one to answer depending on the industry the client is in. However, we found a great infographic recently from our friends at QuickSprout that shares some great insight about the best CTR (Click Through Ratio) social network. Check this out:

From the post:

Did you know that Pinterest will generate you four times more money per click than Twitter? And 27% more than Facebook?

…there is a 36% increase in likes for pins that contain prices, and there is an 80% increase in engagement for pins that contain a call to action. And if you are able to leverage trending topics, you can get a 94% increase in clicks as well.

Thanks to QuickSprout and Neil Patel for always sharing great content that’s applicable!

How has Pinterest worked for you?

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