I wanted to ask some questions, share some insites, and just vent about branding…
- What is branding?
- Where do I start?
- Why is branding so helpful? or Is it really that helpful?
- Is branding something you can track?
- Can you get an ROI on branding?
- Why do companies choose branding as a marketing strategy and tactic?
- Are there just long term effects of branding or can they be short term as well?
This is what en.wikipedia has to say about a brand:
“A brand is a collection of images and ideas representing an economic producer; more specifically, it refers to the concrete symbols such as a name, logo, slogan, and design scheme…A brand is therefore one of the most valuable elements in an advertising theme, as it demonstrates what the brand owner is able to offer in the marketplace…”
Branding is a key factor in business building.

Need I say more? Does anyone not know what this is? It’s extremely effective “branding”!
I’m reading a marketing book right now that talks about the importance of developing a marketing strategy before you create marketing tactics. This means that you need to know WHY you are doing what you plan to do before you start implementing specific marketing tactics. Creating a brand starts with a well thought out mission statement and/or vision. You must answer the question:
How is what I’m planning on doing going to help others?
If you are able to answer this question in two or three sentences and feel strongly about it, you have taken one of the first big steps in building a brand.
More to come…What are your thoughts?
One reply on “Who cares about Branding?”
[…] that effective for Sierra Mist? What kind of ROI will they get, or was their entire plan to brand themselves more effectively? The Kevin Federline idea was really pretty funny – it had great […]