The baby is here! Madison Mae Moller was born on March 13th, 2007 at 8:45 a.m. MST. Becky had been having contractions since early Sunday morning when we came to the hospital at 2:30 a.m. for a false alarm. Since that day the contractions got worse and worse. Becky began cursing life (and me), but this was to be expected!
On Monday, she went to the doctor to get her weekly check up. She told the doctor about the contractions and they decided together that she would be induced on Tuesday at 6:30 a.m. This was relief for all of us.
At 4:00 a.m. Tuesday morning I was elbowed and told “I can’t take this anymore!” Even though we were scheduled to see the doctor later, we packed and took off. We headed to the Orem Community Hospital – labor was official. When we got to the hospital at 4:30 a.m. they hooked her up to the machines and confirmed that she was dilated to a 4.
Not long after that the epideral came and petosin was started; things were much better. Both Becky and I took a small nap for about two and a half hours, expecting to be able to sleep for quite a while. Then, at 8:30 a.m., Doctor Young came in to break her water and get things moving. However, to all of our surprise, the water had already broken and Madi’s little head was already starting to appear. “Don’t cough, don’t laugh, and don’t push!” he said as they quickly got things ready. Nine minutes later, with just one small push, Baby Madi was here. She cried a bit as they got her cleaned up but man did she have a lot of blond hair. She weighs 7 lbs. 6 oz. and is 21 inches long. We are really excited.
Her little brother Caleb came to visit at about 10:30 a.m. with Grandma Moller and Uncle Andy. Caleb mentioned, “Ah, a little baby…she’s cute and I like her!” We’re going to hold him to that later! Here’s a few pictures:
Madi weighs 7 lbs. 6 oz. & is 21 inches long!
Baby Madison Mae Moller
Look what Grandma Moller found!
Madi, Mom and Dad
Look at that blond hair!
20 replies on “Baby Madison Mae is here!”
She is so adorable. I want to come and hold her. I love the name!!Madison Mae Moller. Give her a hug and kiss for me.
-Aunt Mandy
Congratulations! You now have two kids. They’re both beautiful. Good luck with everything.
tight dude
WOW! She is a doll. I love her name. Mae is my mother’s middle name (spelled that way). Congratulations to all 3 of you on your addition to your family. Enjoy every minute. They grow up way too fast.
Congrats! I have just one question. Where’s the dance shoes?
Hola mi amigo, es una bebe hermosa, al igual que su familia, te felicito a ambos, son muy afrotunados por tener la bella familia que tienen, disfrutenla al maximo, desde Santiago de Chile…Franco Darrigrandi
Congrats Nate and Becks!
She is absolutely beautiful! I’m glad to hear that both Mom and Madison are doing well. 2 kids down and only 10 more to go for the baker’s dozen. Good luck with that!
Anyway, Mckenzie and Brooklyn can’t wait to see their cousins this summer. Nate, I love the website. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help out… Norb and Meagan
Congrats … she is beautiful.
OH MY GOSH!!! Look at all that blonde hair! She is adorable and I can’t decide which picture is my favorite; Nate and Madi nose to nose or Becky with her two adorable kids. Congratulations, we love you LOTS and can’t wait to meet her!
Congratulations! She is beautiful! We are so happy for you guys!
Congratulations on the beautiful GIRL. I must say that I am a little jealous. You all got what you were expecting. That is wonderful.
WOW! she is cute and a lot of blond hair and you have a beautiful know with all the negitivity out there these days it is always a blessing to see good things like this happen thank you! for sharing this with us. god has really bless you, congratulations! madison mae moller that’s a cool name.
Congratulations!!! She is a beautiful little girl (no surprise there) with a beautiful name. We’re glad to hear that everything went well for Becky and Madi. We hope you all get some rest. 😉
Congratulations! She is darling! We are happy to hear that you are all doing well. We love you all!
Congradulation! She is so cute. Cute as a button.
We are so happy for you! What a sweet little family you have. We can’t wait to meet Madi Mae in person. We love ya!
Congratulations Nate and family.
Onya, mate. You’ve done a good job!!!
She is lovely!! You and Becky are truly blessed. Caleb is a handsome little fellow too!
Congratulations Nate!! What a beautiful daughter and family you have!!
Blessings and health to you and yours always!! Welcome to the world, Madie!
happiness my friend
Your daughter is very beautiful, really BLOND HAIR, Nate ..cuanto tiempo ha pasado.
Oye felicidades tambien a Becky, Sabes acá es muy tarde, y que sorpresa me he llevado con tu página y aun más con su contenido, ja ja muchas felicidades a ambos y besos a Caleb y sobre todo a la niña.
Juan Pablo
Melipilla de Chile
[…] Here are a few more pictures of our new little girl: […]