Digital Presence & Marketing Strategy

Dwight Schrute Look-a-Like Contest


Contestant #1


I received this nomination too from @dugfar:


Contestant #2


Contestant #3 (same as 1 but with different hair)

Well, what do you think?  Who looks the MOST like Dwight (submit comment below)?

This is a picture of one of my fellow employees. I just watched the 1st season of The Office and when I saw this part in The Alliance episode, I couldn’t stop laughing.

I have to admit, I’ve only RECENTLY started watching The Office.  I definitely recommend it as a way to ease stress and get a new perspective on your “Office” as you work on starting an online business.

Here’s one of my favorite highlight videos from The Office:

Who is your favorite person on The Office?

17 replies on “Dwight Schrute Look-a-Like Contest”

The Dwight-Jim Rivalry is probably my favorite part of The Office! You know Dwight is on Twitter! (@rainnwilson) And he’s not too different from his character…yikes!

As far as the contest….I think #2 eyes might have a little more Schrutiness, but #1 I think has the overall look. You should photoshop some glasses over both othem to really see!!

I vote for contestant #1 I’m not sure that’s a compliment for the guy, but he does look like the character. The Office would be off the air without Dwight, no doubt! I love that show.

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